Winter Tree Care & Pruning


As arborists, we recognize the dormant season as a convenient time to work on large shade and ornamental trees.  Generally, an ideal season to prune most plants in greater Boston is during late winter, and here are a few practical reasons to consider scheduling care for your landscape.

Without foliage, a tree’s canopy and branches can be easier to inspect and evaluate its structural integrity. This exposed form aids arborists in quickly making informed pruning decisions.

Taking advantage of wintertime temperatures provides firm ground increasing access for equipment, so large tree pruning and removals work can proceed more efficiently. Frozen ground and snow cover provides great opportunities to work over lawns and other areas that may be damaged during other times of the year.

Dormant pruning is also a stimulating process. Pruning wounds made in winter close faster than those made during the summer months. Additionally, during the winter months, there is a reduced disease and insect presence.

Caring for the health and safety of your trees and landscape is a year-round process for us at BTSE and in winter can you with provide added benefit and value.
