Barrett Tree Service East contributing $1,575 in volunteer arborist hours and resources to address safety and tree health and enhance public enjoyment of Whittemore Park.
The Town of Arlington celebrated Arbor Day on Friday, April 27, 2017 at multiple locations around town. Coordinated by Arlington’s Tree Warden, Tim Lecuivre, MCA, Arbor Day events occurred at Whittemore Park, the Thompson Elementary School, and in East Arlington.
Barrett Tree Service East, Inc. participated in the Massachusetts Arborists Association Arbor Day of Service by contributing $1,575 in volunteer arborist hours and resources to address safety and tree health and enhance public enjoyment of Whittemore Park. Improving the tree health benefits the Dallin Museum, Arlington Chamber of Commerce, and Cutter Gallery all located at the recently-revitalized Jefferson Cutter House at Whittemore Park. Volunteer arborists pruned trees that were a hazard to the house.
At the Thompson Elementary School, Elks Lodge members and 3rd grade students volunteered their time to plant three dogwood trees, after removing three dead trees. Members of the Forestry Department gave presentations to students on proper tree planting techniques. The Benevolent Protection Order of Elks Arlington Lodge #1435 provided a $2,000 grant that allowed for the purchase of trees, materials, and tools. The age-appropriate tools will be used for future events.
The Town of Arlington celebrated Arbor Day on Friday, April 27, 2017 at multiple locations around town.
Arlington’s Tree Committee partnered with New England Nurseries to deliver 25 Dogwood trees to homes throughout East Arlington as part of their Tree Canopy program. This effort was funded in part with a bequest made to the town by the estate of John MacEachern and in coming months will be expanded to other portions of town.
National Arbor Day is generally celebrated on the last Friday in April. Like many Massachusetts communities, Arlington celebrates Arbor Day by working with volunteers to plant or otherwise care for its trees. For more information about trees in Arlington, please visit